Parents should enquire for the forms & availability of seats at the School Reception before hand to avoid inconvenience
Detailed information about the dates of Submission of Forms, Result Declaration, Parental & Child Interaction will be provided in the website.
Decision by the management will be final regarding Selection & Admission.
Mere Registration does not guarantee admission
No recommendations will be entertained.
Parents & Students
Fee must be submitted before 15th of the following months:
First term fees: Before 15th June​
Second term fees: Before 15 September
Third tern fees: Before 15 February
The fee after the due date will be accepted along with the fine of Rs. 50/- per month (including the running month)
Annual fee is a onetime payment at the beginning of the academic session. Pupils who fail to clear fees/dues will be debarred from sitting in the examinations.
The Tuition fee and other dues, dates and the mode of collection of the fees are liable to be revised as necessity arises. ​